Dag Avango’s 5 must-have’s for Antarctic archaeological fieldwork
01 : High quality camera
02 : Rite-in-the-rain note book
03 : Measuring tape
04 : Drone with extra batteries
05: GPS and compass
Dag Avango taking archaeological fieldnotes during the Sorgfjorden expedition (2017) on the Norwegian Arctic island group, Svalbard. Also pictured is Camilla Winqvist, PhD student at KTH.
Photo: Lize-Marié van der Watt
The team is busy making final preparations before they leave for Argentina on the 26th of December. This means a lot of careful packing - not only for the inclement conditions they will face in the field, but also to arrive in Buenos Aires during high summer. They are also taking field-equipment and instruments. Dag Avango, who has considerable polar fieldwork experience, always makes sure to take measuring tape and notebooks, the reliable option when the weather is terrible or modern technology fails.
Jonathan Westin (center) and Gunnar Almevik (right) testing radio equipment and satellite phones with which the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat supplied the expedition. On the left is Ola Erikson from the Secretariat.
Photo: Kati Lindström